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Professional Development Workshops

ILSR Professional Development Workshops empower employees to achieve their personal
and professional goals while contributing to their organization’s success. 


The Institute for Labor Studies and Research (ILSR) offers professional development workshops for organizations and individuals that help employees sharpen their professional skills and assist them in meeting workplace challenges. Workshop instructors are adjunct college professors or highly experienced professionals in their field. ILSR is happy to partner with organizations and individuals to schedule the course(s) that fit their specific workplace needs. 

For organizations interesting in attending, we have a minimum class size of twelve (12) and a maximum of twenty (20). If the topic you are looking for is missing from the list below, the Institute for Labor Studies and Research can partner with you to design customized course curriculums to meet the needs of your organization.

For individuals interested in attending, your information will be kept on a waitlist until the class is full, with a minimum of 12 participants. Once the class minimum is met and the course is scheduled, you will be contacted to confirm your registration.


Professional development workshops at ILSR provide:

  • Class sizes with minimum of 12 students and maximum of 20

  • Class lengths vary from 2 hours to 24 hours 

  • Flexibility to reduce or extend class length if needed


Click on the Sign-Up! link below to complete an interest form and an ILSR coordinator will contact you shortly or contact Denise Cesino directly at: or 401-463-9900, dial 7 


Career Enhancement Workshops

De-escalation, Conflict Resolution, Communications Workshops
(In Person)​


“The instructor will have you come out of his class smarter than when you walked in and that is a WIN-WIN!”

~ Cultural Sociology Student

“I have taken multiple other ethics courses in my career and this was definitely the most beneficial.  It focuses more on learning about a basic ethical decision-making framework and how your own values affect your professional and personal life.”

~ Ethics in Motion Student

“Above and beyond the important content shared in this class, meeting and collaborating with other state employees was an added bonus!” 

 ~ Effective Communications Student


“The instructor gave me different perspective and insight which will be helpful at work and outside of work.”

~ Organizational Psychology: Leadership Student

“... I feel you pushed us outside of our comfort zones and allowed us each to grow individually. I have learned so much from you, this course, and my fellow classmates that I will take with me and grow from here.”

~ Effective Communications Student

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