Dedicated to the education and training of Rhode Island workers since 1980 | 401.463.9900

Customized Training for Unions and Organizations
Customized Training is a unique opportunity for local unions and organizations. The Institute will create and conduct training programs specifically designed to meet your requirements and specifications at a convenient time and location.
Course and workshop offerings include labor relations, steward training, leadership skills, computer training, and building solidarity.
These courses are offered twice a year in the spring and fall or per request:
Conflict Resolution
Customer Service
Violence in the Workplace
Effective Communication
Workplace Spanish Specific to Your Job
Public Speaking
Reducing Workplace Stress
Sexual Harassment
Workplace Relationships
*For more information about customized training programs email
Professional Development Training
Psychology in the Workplace
This 24-hour course will cover the science of Psychology and Workplace Psychology, which is the study of human behavior in the workplace. Applications of psychological theories and principles to organizations and individuals in the workplace will also be studied. Students will develop interpersonal skills needed to interact with coworkers, supervisors, and individuals in the work environment. Topics include organizational change, teamwork, communication, stress in the workplace, ethical behavior, time management, diversity, cross cultural understanding and other on the job-related issues.
Psychology/Leadership in the Workplace
This 24-hour course draws upon a variety of researched-based theories and applications related to the study of leadership. Theoretical paradigms of motivation are discussed and applied to communication styles, decision making, risk-taking, team building, conflict resolution, negotiation, diversity, and inclusion. Leadership traits, leadership styles and roles are examined in the context of ethics, power, and social responsibility.
Spanish 101
This 24-hour course will cover the alphabet, numbers, months of the year, basic vocabulary, and expressions. Students will be able to use diverse verbs in present tense, introduce themselves and carry-on basic conversation; read a short story or article in Spanish and write a 6-10 sentence paragraph in Spanish.
Cultural Sociology
Sociology is the study of groups and group interactions. The term culture refers to the group’s shared practices, values, and beliefs. Sociology and Culture focuses on a group’s way of life, from routine, everyday interactions to the most important parts of group members’ lives. It includes a study of human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life It includes everything produced by a society.
This 24-hour class will be presented as a seminar that encourages the discussion of insights and ideas from all participants. Topics will be related to the impact of family, religion, government, prejudice, and social equity (race, bias, prejudice), physical and mental lifestyle health issues, deviant behavior and crime, marriage, family, government and politics on behavior.
Abnormal Psychology
In this 24-hour course, we will study the patterns of emotion, cognition, and behavior that may be signs of distress or impairment of mental health conditions. Behavior, emotion, or thinking that may create problems in a person's life or is disruptive to self or other people, may be termed as "abnormal" behavior. If so, the behavior may require some type of psychological diagnosis and mental health intervention.
Professional Communications
In this 24-hour course, participants will learn effective communication skills in both writing and speaking. Conciseness, tone, and correct grammar will be the focus in emails, reports, letters, and memos. Recent changes in writing, driven by technology and social media, will also be addressed. In the final sessions, verbal communication skills will be reviewed to include listening, clear speaking, body language, credibility, and professionalism.
Workplace Spanish Specific to Your Job
The fastest-growing immigrant population in Rhode Island is Latino. More than ever, workers find that they need to speak some Spanish in order to communicate with clients, customers, and co-workers. In this course, students learn the important Spanish words and phrases necessary to communicate on the job. Emphasis is also given to understanding cultural differences. Level I is for beginners; Level II builds on skills acquired in Level I.
Public Speaking
Your success as a leader of officer may depend on how well you address a group. However, public speaking can be a frightening experience for most people. In this seminar, participants will conquer the fear of speaking before an audience; learn how to organize speeches effectively; learn how to analyze an audience and find the best words for that audience; and gain confidence. Throughout the seminar, participants practice techniques aimed at alleviating nervousness and helping to reduce stress.
Workplace Relationship Skills
The ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers and supervisors is a key to success on the job. This course highlights the components of interpersonal skills and strategies necessary to manage work life and its collegial relationships.
Preparing for Retirement and Career Change
Personal Finance
Financial planning is not just for the rich. It’s important for everyone. This workshop will assist participants in understanding investments such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds, and will help individuals prepare budgets. Unlock the secrets of accumulating wealth for a person who works and has a moderate income.
Planning for Retirement: Wills and Estates
How can you take care of those you love? Do you need a will? Do you need to revise an existing will? Do you need an estate plan? Participants will hear the answers to these questions and more in this inclusive workshop.
RI State Retirement System and Retirement Medical Options for State Employees
This workshop provides an overview of membership within the RI Employees’ Retirement System. It is specifically designed for members 5 to 10 years from retirement and will teach individuals how to compute retirement benefits as well as outline the various payments and medical insurance options.
Understanding Social Security
Prepare for the future by learning about the benefits provided by Social Security. Learn how to figure your benefits and how to keep your information current and accurate. The class will also review individual rights under the Medicare system.